教育背景:英国莱斯特大学 应用语言学及英语教育硕士,University of Leicester, Master of Applied Linguistics & TESOL
福州大学 英语语言文学学士及经济学学士,Fuzhou University, BA in English Language and Literature, BSc in Economics
TESOL, Sociolinguistics, Intercultural Communication
职称:讲师 Lecturer
综合英语 Comprehensive English
从事英语教学多年,拥有TESOL国际英语教师资格证。曾在福州大学中英Napier学院担任英语教师及教学组长,后于2006年进入yl23455永利10大任职。 先后于2003年及2012年赴英国莱斯特大学、南安普顿大学学习及交流访问。任教至今先后承担过英语听力,阅读,写作,口语,及学习理论,教学理论及实践专业课的教学任务。在英语课堂教学上具备丰富经验,能够较好地调动课堂气氛,设计丰富的教学活动鼓励学生积极参与学习过程。个人的教学理念是在互联网时代,课堂教学不再单纯以知识的传递为主要目的,更重要的是以学生为主导,帮助学生训练辨析思维方式,探索适合个体的学习方式和学习策略,从而养成学生的学习自主性。
I have been a committed teacher with a TESOL qualification for over ten years. I worked as a teacher and leader of the English teaching team for Fuzhou Napier College of Fuzhou University before I came to International College of Xiamen University in 2006. During the period, I am delighted to have an opportunity to study in the University of Leicester and visit the University of Southampton. Through years of teaching, I have taught a variety of courses including the four skills of English language and Introduction to Learning Theories and Teaching. I believe significant learning only takes place when students are actively engaged in meaningful activities. Moreover, in the internet era, teachers are no longer the sole source of information. Classroom teaching should focus more on student needs. Teachers need to facilitate student learning by training their analytical skills and finding ways to engage them in taking responsibility for their own learning. Teachers need to work with students and help them to grasp new learning opportunities.
1、Revisiting English Subjunctive: A Comparative Study and Implications for the Chinese EFL Learners,《中外教育合作研究》,2014年6月第1期;
2、Language learning beliefs and attitudes held by Chinese undergraduate students abroad: a preliminary investigation, 《中外教育合作研究》,2015年5月第2期
2016年第七届 “外教社”杯全国高校外语教学大赛微课比赛优胜奖
2019年yl23455永利10大 “中国工商银行”奖教金
Asia TESOL会员
Member of Asia TESOL